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At It Again!

At what? A bit of a leg pull. I have never learned to train my mind to be serious, so when I saw the illustration for Monday's Child, what sprang to the fore was not a twee, kiddywinks ditty along the lines of Peter Pan and Wendy, but a somewhat cynical observation on an aspect of our present culture. Who has not seen in the media examples of unusual age discrepancies amongst some newly weds?
Don't get me wrong.  I approve of love, providing it's genuine, no matter where it occurs.  But in some of the news items engendered by the subject, one cannot help but doubt the motives of the participants in these unbalanced unions. So this rather explains my non-child-friendly poem for today...(Apologies to BKM!)
Wedding bells and lover's knot?
Kids do grow up fast!
Look at the Toy Boy she has got -
I can't but look aghast!

The Love Bug's biting younger
participants each day  -
it must be raging hunger,
makes it carry on this way...

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