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What I heard in Bush's speech today

Bush spoke today about the price of gasoline.
Of course the opening of his speech was about the war on everything that scares the hell out of human beings.
He talked about Iraq and how splendidly things were going there.
He spoke of the economy and how splendidly things were going here.
He said all the jobs at McDonald’s have been taken, so alls good on the employment front.
He made a breaking news sort of statement when he said, “The American people are working.” And the crowd went wild!
He said his tax cuts had done everything from cure cancer to putting a chicken in every pot.
Then he said he appreciated the oil companies raising their prices because it gave him an opportunity to slash the hell out of environmental regulations.
He also said we should reduce our need for oil and then he said he wanted to drill the hell out of ANWR. Doesn’t sound like much a habit breaking plan if the pusher man is just selling different drugs, does it?
He talked about hybrid vehicles and explained what they were for the totally brain-dead members of his audience who might be clueless.
I think the following actual quote from his speech this morning is just so george bush. Possibly even a quotable quote for the future.
“The way I like to put it would be - it's a good thing when a president can sit there and say, gosh, we've got a lot of corn.”
Damned straight, george! That's what we've all been longing for. The day our president can say, gosh we got us a big old mess of corn, life will be good in America once again!

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