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Happy Easter

Hello Boys and Girls. We got home in the wee hours of the morning from a fun and exciting cruise vacation. Sorry I had to leave you canned posts, but that is the price you pay when I am having my bestest vacation ever. You got snow and cold, I got fun and sun in tropical climes. I do not want to rub it in so I will tell you my nose got burnt and I have a bleeding blister on my left little toe. I am certain that will make you feel better about the food, beer, mojitos, pina coladas, rum punch and cigars I consumed. It soothes the resentment you harbor over the afternoon we spent on a catamaran sailing and snorkeling and drinking rum punch afterward!

Too many cars and far too many idiot drivers coupled with an intermittent rain made a normal14 hour drive home stretch into an interminable 19 hour ordeal, but it was all worth it!

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