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Tom Scott tired of the lies and hate and considers running for president challenging Joe Biden in 2024

    Trevor Travis

   South Carolina senator Tim Scott is tired of the nonsense and talk hate about him following his deliverancee of a speech right after president Joe Theft's 100 day delivery speech. Tim Scott has been called every name under the book and he is tired of it and blasted his critics in academia and the left-wing big media and Mr Scott told the people who call him a uncle Tom cracker wanabee that they will be seeing his face and representation of republican views more often. Tim Scott is making rumblings that he has intentions of running for president and he is setting up a exploratory committee to see whether he would be a viable

candidate in 2024 or beyond. Some see him as a top presidential candidate in 2032 at the latest yet Mr Scott is raking ti in now with all of the love from the Democratic field and this indeed may push Mr Scott's projection presidential dreams up much further especially of geriatric bastard Biden is actually going to run for a second time. Tom Scott is going to troll and cuck over the liberals with a presidential ruin in 2024 and there is no reason to believe the South Carolina senator couldn't beat Joe Biden as Biden is a buffoon and an immoral snake in the grass old dipshit that had to produce millions of  illegitimate fake votes from mail-in balloting to pull off a victory as the man had no following or actual campaign .

The real racists as Tom Scott pointed out are Democratic operatives and liberal progressives that twitter rmobbed this politician because of his skin color and political membership as the racist Democrats think all African-Americas must vote and think a certain way and if they don't then they are open to punishment. I predict in a one on one with Theft Biden Tom Scott would win from my internal polling 53% to 46% and as with Trump Joe Biden and the deep state Democrats would need to come up with some chicanery to win again. 

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