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Star Bright

Hey, someone else likes Bright Star as much as I do. The phrase "tough-minded" is very well chosen and there's a costume-centered video clip at the end as well. (About Last Night)

Ever since I saw Bright Star, I've been wanting to go back and see it again. It's a gorgeous and tough-minded film; I've seen it praised in a couple places for its "restraint" and while that feels like an appropriate description, it might, used in the context of a movie about John Keat's love affair with Fanny Brawne, leave a reader with the impression that Bright Star is a soft or quiet film, which it most definitely isn't. I think the restraint being praised is actually rigor; as if Campion had a bolt of silk and shot it through every yard or so with whalebone. Yes, it's beautiful, but it also stands up straight.

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