The Indonesia archipelago is massive and recently American punk and hick web zinecaster Scott Horton had John Macleaod live from Tasmania to discuss some West paupa polkitics. It seems Horton and maclead are concerned with the dark skin savage melansians andntheir struggles and discrimination form the large Indonesian society which considers these people ahhhh headhunters. Macleaod talked about the difference between cultures between the west paupans and the different cultural experiences of Indonesia as it just grabbed these valuable lands and resources when they threw off Dutch yoke.
Macleod says the land grab and continued occupation of West Papua is for the valuable resources and oalm oil that exists in these lands. Horton and Macleaod talked of the racial superiority of the Asians against these Black Melanesians and an easier excuse to rule over West Papua and Macleaoud and Horton think Indonesia should just give thee valuable lands back to New Guinea. This will happen when the United States gives back Alaska to the Russians. Scott orton and this Australian are pushing the call of other pacific groups calling for human rights abuses to be recognized and condemned against the Indonesians for cracking down on these activist resistant groups that have been pushing demands for autonomy and or unification with New Guinea. The punk scott Horton wants to see independence and is pushing for another small self-determination struggle in these lands far from his Texas home. Scott blasted the American companies funding and supporting this crack down in Indonesia as many American resource extractor mining companies own valuable land and they are not about to allow an independence movement and confiscation of their lands from some New Guinea head hunter warlord. to bad so sad Scott Horton this is the way the world goes about and Indonesia is not going to allow this massive land to go away. Once again Scott Horton has a leftist professor from around the world being the provocateurs of indigenous groups who think they can go from a tribal society to a state enterprise because they temporary reside over valuable resources and what they can't ever mentally project something to extract somehow belongs to them
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