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I'm hoping...

...that someday, there will no longer be violence.
...that we will no longer live in a sick and sad world.
...that no man will ever lose his life in the hands of another man who has no divine right to take another person's life.
...that mankind will have high regard for a person's life.

No more killings, please. I'm getting tired of the news all over the world about murder, violence, deaths. But I can only hope.


After the torture incident, the rest of the world will once again despise us for the hostage taking that took place earlier here in Manila. I'm sure videos are now posted in YouTube and are getting nasty comments that sometimes attack us as a nation - a country so violent where innocent tourists gets hostaged and shot to death. Double whammy as the earlier incident involved a policeman and now, another policeman (or ex) got involved. What's happening to our policemen is beyond my understanding. All I know is that no one deserved to die, not even the hostage taker.

My sincerest condolences to everyone who lost their loved one.

No one in that incident deserved to die. Not a single soul.

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